Home > Community Outreach, Timothy Galloway > Galvan Foundation Uses Architectural Reconstruction to Improve Lives

Galvan Foundation Uses Architectural Reconstruction to Improve Lives


Galvan Foundation pic

Galvan Foundation
Image: sites.google.com/a/galvanfoundation.org/www/

T. Eric Galloway serves as the president of the Lantern Organization and Lantern Community Services in New York. In addition, Timothy Galloway cofounded the Galvan Charitable Trust and Galvan Initiatives Foundation, more commonly known as the Galvan Foundation, with Henry van Ameringen.

Much like the Lantern Organization, which addresses homelessness and social concerns by providing a combination of low-cost housing and on-site social services, the Galvan Foundation aims to improve the quality of life for Hudson residents in need.

The Galvan Foundation has a grant program that provides financial support to charitable institutions in the Hudson area. Moreover, the foundation focuses on architectural preservation and conservation. Under the supervision of Timothy Galloway, the historic Hudson Armory building was restored and turned into the Galvan Community Center, which houses the new, 12,000-square-foot Hudson Area Library and the offices of the foundation.

In addition, the Galvan Foundation promotes social services, infill housing, culture and arts, and job opportunities for anyone who needs it.

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